Open Eye Meditation

Open Eye Meditation

Open Eye Meditation is easy to learn, and by far, the most powerful meditation on the planet. Above is a simple diagram showing the physical points to concentrate on. The beauty of this meditation is that it occupies the mind by requiring it to concentrate upon two things at the same time. This allows the "Future You" or OverSoul to begin to manifest within your field of consciousness. Usually, very powerful impressions are immediately experienced.  

Select a quiet, comfortable place to sit down where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position and pick two objects to concentrate upon. Pick an object to the left of you to look at with your left eye. Pick another object to the right of you to look at with your right eye. (See diagram) It is important to stay aware of both objects and keep them in your peripheral vision. Concentrate upon the equal and continuing awareness of them. To do otherwise is to drop out of meditation. Once these are fixed, you can begin to be aware of the field of view in front of you, but not at the expense of losing focus on either object. 

The reason open eye meditation is so effective is because it so completely occupies the mind by having you focus on two different things at once on either side of your field of vision.  

Meditations involving the third eye are considered to be the most powerful, and techniques have been designed to unlock multi dimensional consciousness.  Open eye meditation, otherwise known as OEM, is a way you can more easily access this dimension through using a particular technique.

Although it is thought by some academics that open eye meditation can be intellectualized and understood without ever having experienced it, this is simply not true.  It is like trying to describe to someone how to untie a complicated knot and then expect them to write instructions about it.  Unless you have actually done open eye meditation regularly for a period of time, you aren't in a position to analyze it.

The first few times you practice, you will make your initial connection with your time traveling OverSoul. Consideration should be given to the fact that it will take a while for trust to develop so you can communicate with each other. These sessions should go for anywhere between five and twenty minutes to begin with. You will then feel a burning desire to have as many open eye meditation sessions as possible, thriving on the deep rumination and healing.

Those who have mastered the art of open eye meditation move into the next phase, which is best described as a super human consciousness. This is the point in open eye meditation that everyone is striving for, and is said to be a place where there is no limit to the power and truth you can receive.

The reason open eye meditation is so effective is because it so completely occupies the mind by having you focus on two different things at once on either side of your field of vision. Whether you adopt the beliefs about contacting your time traveling OverSoul or not, open eye meditation is still worth your contemplation. It is a fantastic way to attain a deep meditative state rapidly, and on reflection, you will find it easier to stay awake. You can even use the OEM technique while listening to your favorite meditation CD or doing breath work. If you do happen to have any amazing experiences then you know you have been successful in your quest to unbolt the locks on your third eye.

Please post your experiences on the Time Travelers Bulletin Board. We are anxious to hear from you.

This is a progressive meditation which means that you will experience more, the more you do it. (Some of our Members have begun using OEM in Europe at Rave dances to enhance their consciousness, in stead of drugs.) 
Note:Please BLINK your eyes NORMALLY during Meditation.

It is helpful to cultivate an attitude of quiet expectation. Be aware of a heightening of senses. Quiet any fears that might arise.....nothing can hurt you. Be prepared for feelings of overwhelming happiness, but be patient if it does not come right away. You may become aware of sights and sounds that you have never experienced before. Relax and enjoy them. They were there before you became aware of them and they can not hurt you. In the beginning only meditate between five minutes minimum and twenty minutes maximum.

While you are meditating, it is important to stay in the meditative state. If your focus strays from the fundamentals (see Diagram above) you will not be in "Open Eye Meditation". If we try too hard or are too serious this can be detrimental to experiencing the kinds of joy and Cosmic understanding that is available. If we are afraid or holding on too tight we will experience very little until we let go. Letting go and accepting is a forever process. The faster we do it the more fantastic it becomes.

A Course in Time Travel" is designed to help people discover and bring into being innate but hidden potential that was not normally available in this time period.

The techniques and information found here are imported from the remote future by a group of Time Travelers called the "Collective". Each of us has a time traveler from the future, called a "TTO", (Time Traveling Oversoul), that is part of this group. What this means for you is an unprecedented opportunity to increase your power and level of consciousness to any degree you desire

There are two major approaches you can use to reach this objective. The first approach is through a very special series of techniques, which are related to meditations, but much more powerful and advanced. Most meditations taught today take you to specific areas within your consciousness to experience various vibrations and lessons. The techniques included in this course allow an incomprehensibly advanced and wonderful part of you to become available to you as part of your natural evolutionary progression.


FIRST: The introductory period that can last many life times. During this period, mutual trust builds between you and your TTO. Although you may not be fully aware of this on a conscious level, there is an exertion of irresistible influence upon you and your decisions.
SECOND: A period of conscious awareness and communication with this part of you. During this period the Student actively strives to cause progressive levels of Cosmic Consciousness through intense study, meditation and group consciousness.
THIRD: This period is the gradual metamorphic transition from Three-Dimensional "Human Consciousness" to Multi-Dimensional "Super Human" Consciousness.

The Second approach provides you with an understanding of the nature of your Consciousness that was not available in this time period. The information comes from many thousands of years in the future. Detailed and easy to understand packets of information called "Excerpts" provide you with the most advanced knowledge and techniques available on the planet today.

If we desire change then we must be willing to allow change. It is helpful to remember that we are trading in the old self that is a faded remnant trapped thousands of years ago in the past, by merging with a new self that is more wonderful than we could ever have dreamed for.

By Amy Barnfeld And 

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